A Thought on Parshas Tzav
"...mi'lu'im heim l'rae'ach ni'cho'ach..."
"they are inaugural and for a pleasing fragrance..." (8:28)
A unique service took place as the Sacred Shrine - the mishkan - was put into operation. This service culminated in the initiation of the Kohanim, the priestly servants led by Aaron. The Torah describes how the ritual itself, that of installing Aaron as High Priest, was like a fragrant offering ascending on High.
Rabbeinu Avigdor helps broaden our grasp of this application of the concept of "fragrant offering" in reference to the appointing of a Kohen Gadol and readying him to do service to HaShem. It is one thing to consider a sacrificial offering as a "sweet fragrance." It represents one's submissive awe in giving up a costly offering as a gesture of humble recognition of His greatness. However, in our verse, the concept of pleasing fragrance relates to a person, or people, who are taking on a position of relative greatness. Becoming a Kohen is a step up, not a humbled step down, so the notion of this elevation also being, somehow, a pleasing fragrance seems almost the opposite of that term's general usage.
On this point, Rabbeinu Avigdor observes (with midrashic support) that indeed, the installation itself was considered a pleasing fragrance. This is because HaShem regarded that occasion as a Divine "yom tov." He cites a Talmudic source (Megilla 10b) that the moment of the Kohanim's installation was comparable to the very moment of Genesis. A new world was created. The heavenly realm now had an earthly counterpart. The person in charge of this earthly abode known as the mishkan was, in essence, the manager of the spiritual affairs of humanity below in the service of the Al-mighty above.
Rabbeinu Avigdor refers to that moment as if HaShem had "acquired for Himself an ohev" - a loving friend. Just as a king celebrates the arrival of his close friend, HaShem had chosen Aaron to serve as His ohev as His High Priest. When Aaron then ascended to that post, a spiritual celebration was in order. That celebration was not a party down below but rather a cosmic joy Above. This is what our verse means that the moment of inauguration itself was a pleasing fragrance to HaShem.
Wishing all of our nation a Good Shabbos and a Pesach yom tov filled with joy and sweetness. May our service of HaShem create a meaningful impact on High. D Fox