Thursday, April 19, 2007

A thought on Parshas Tazria - Metzora

"'ha'tzarua asher bo ha'nega...""...and the afflicted one who has the affliction..." (13:45)

The affliction known as tzaras is not found among us these days. In fact, it was a condition which occurred in Israel alone during the times of the Holy Temple (according to many opinions). Still, there is so much discussion about tzaras which is a focus in much of our two parshios. Our verse prescribes the ordeal of the afflicted: torn garments, uncut hair, cloaked to the lips, calling out "tamae, tamae" ("I am contaminated, contaminated!") so that people see him and keep their distance. In fact, the person duly diagnosed by a kohen has to leave town and camp out in isolation.

This used to happen. People contracted this spiritually based and physically manifest state and had those disruptive consequences to deal with. It taught them a lesson. It was not fun.

Can we relate to this at any level? We can use our imagination and try to identify with the acts which lead to tzaras (spreading gossip is only one of the causes cited by Chazal). We can try to imagine what it might be like to undergo such an ordeal. But, alas, in reality, we do not really relate to this condition and its consequences at an experiential level.

It may be for this reason that Rabbeinu Bachya introduces us to a midrash which suggests an allegorical level at which we can try to relate to tzaras. Remember, our Torah has been described as "Pardes" - of having four main levels from which we can interpret its lessons, hints, secrets and messages. Here is a midrashic interpretation, which is represented by the D in the word Pa - R - De - S.

The "afflicted one" mentioned in the verse is... the Holy Temple.
The "affliction in it" mentioned in the verse is...our deserting HaShem.
The "torn garments" are... the discarded vestments of the Kohanim, now gone.
The "uncut head" is...HaShem, our "Head", whom we abandoned, neglecting His Torah.
"Hooded to the lips" is our closing our mouths to Torah discussions.
"Contaminated, contaminated" represents the destruction of two Holy Temples.

In that sense, we do have a way of knowing about the experience of the tzarua. We have removed ourselves from the ways of HaShem and have been forced into isolation among the nations, outside of our "camp." As long as we are far away from His ways - when we show no honor to our "Kohanim" - those who can lead us, we compound our isolation. As long as we omit words of Torah from our conversations and our thoughts, we are only a remote remnant of the community which was once HaShem's prized creation. And if we do not bother to acknowledge our forlorn, deficient state, not seeing that off in the far corners of the globe that we are stuck in places of contamination which can cling to us, then we have contracted the spiritual form of tzaras whether or not it leaves any marks on our physical beings.

Wishing you a contemplative Shabbos Kodesh. D Fox


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