A Thought on Parshas B'halo'secha
A Thought On Parshas B'halo'secha
"...lo ken avdi Moshe b'kol Baisi ne'eman hu...""
"...not so My servant Moshe - he is trusted throughout My house..." (12:7)
Upon hearing concerns about Moshe and his judgment, HaShem declares that Moshe is at a different level than other prophets who receive the word of HaShem. In the midst of differentiating the visions of Moshe from those of other holy persons, HaShem adds that His servant Moshe is ne'eman - trusted - in all of HaShem's house.
The difficult expression here is "HaShem's house." To what does the verse refer when it states that HaShem considered or regarded Moshe as having a closer tie to Him and a more direct mode of communication with the Divine because "Moshe is trusted in My house?" Where is that "house"? How does one access it? What takes place there - is that where prophecy originates or is that some higher realm where only certain prophets can enter? Who else inhabits that house where only Moshe would be able to earn the trust of the house or its inhabitants? Does this refer to angels, the famiglia shel ma'ala?
The Bechor Shor offers a challenging thought: if we look into the Targum Yerushalmi here, one of the interpretative Aramaic translations of the Torah, the phrase "b'kol Baisi" (in all of My house) is rendered "b'kol Bais Yisroel Ami" - among all of My Nation the House of Israel." The Bechor Shor expounds: How could anyone complain about Moshe being so constantly devoted to HaShem? All Jews recognized that HaShem communicated with him, and this convinced them that all that he said and all the things which he did were reliable. Those who mattered, the Jewish people who "occupy" HaShem's "House", accepted Moshe, acknowledging that HaShem spoke to him.
It is true that there were times when the people challenged Moshe, and times when they seemed to doubt him. Yet, when he communed with the Divine and received the Word of HaShem, people were certain that his words were from Above. That communication established Moshe as valid and trusted as a prophet and leader. This was known throughout all of HaShem's "house".
An important aspect of this Bechor Shor is that his interpretation shows us that HaShem regards us as His House. We refer to ourselves as Bais Yisroel - the House of Israel - but we see here that when we adhere to the words of Torah and follow our Torah sages, we are upgraded to being Bais HaShem. We are His family and His household when we act like His family. When we feel at home with HaShem, we become His house. Occupy His house!
Good Shabbos. D Fox
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