A Thought on Parshas Tetzaveh
"...v'asu Li Mikdash v'Shochanti b'tocham..." (25:8)
"...and they shall make Me a Shrine and I will dwell among them..."
This week, for a change, I will cite directly from ibn Shu'aib:
"... and it is well known that the intention of Creation was, originally, as
a dwelling below for the Divine Presence. This is implied in the verse
(Berishis 3:8) "and they could hear the Voice of HaShem" in Gan Eden.
The iniquities there led to the delaying of that plan, until the time of the
departure from Mitzrayim. At that time, the intention of the Exodus, once again,
was for the Presence to dwell among us. This is implied in the verse (VaYikra 19:36)
"so I brought you from Mitzrayim so that I might dwell in your midst." This would
have happened as of the Giving of the Torah, as it says (Devarim 5:21) "for HaShem
has revealed His Presence to us." Instead, that moment also was delayed. This is
why HaShem then told us (Shmos 25:8) "and they shall make Me a Shrine (Mikdash)."
It is well accepted that the essential intention of this verse's Mikdash was for the
Presence to dwell in the Eternal Abode (Bais Olamim) - the mundane counterpart
to the Throne of Glory (Kisae HaKavod) on high. But when HaShem saw that much time would pass until that era, He commanded us to make instead a Mishkan, a temporary Shrine, until the days would arrive when we would enter the Land. Just as the Presence was manifest at Sinai, it also filled the Mishkan and later, the Mikdash, as it says (Shmos 40:34-5) "and the Glory of HaShem filled the Shrine." In our times with our own iniquities, our Mikdash has been destroyed. We only have left our places of worship, which are called "mikdash m'at" (lesser shrines.) We must attend them with piety and focused prayer just as if one sits before the Divine Presence..."
And now we understand the sequence of events. It was always about making the lower world a reflection of the Heavens Above. It is still all about making this world an abode for the Divine Presence. Time after time, we are extended that honor, that glorified role. May we merit fulfillment of our mission speedily in our days. Good Shabbos. D Fox
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